Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Why do I need this?

This year was especially hard, there is no doubting that. Whether it was the lack of a job for the sake of a shutdown, you had nowhere to go (same reason), or perhaps you actually suffered from the COVID-19 disease or you knew someone that did (my heart goes out to you if that is/was the case). Sometimes life knocks you down or keeps knocking you down, but you must never fail to get back up again (what is that Batman quote again?). Personally, this year taught me many good and important lessons, such as the one in goal-setting which I would like to highlight at this moment. Maybe it is just the way that my mind works, but I would like this entry to be a final huzzah for the sparkling (whether that is annoying or not for you) year of 2020. It is one of the positive, good things that I learned, personally. (What are some examples of what you learned, or were taught in the bustling year of 2020? I'm always up for learning new things with which to improve myself.

1) Create at least one handmade gift (maybe for yourself!). -This one is a bit far-reaching for me, but I am not scared...maybe a little, but I refuse to let that simple truth stop me. Let me explain, close to ten years ago, I was in a car accident (that ironically took place in the month of December-not that that is anything which I am able to smile upon!), and that said accident damaged my brain, or in other words, gave me a TBI. In said TBI I was given a lot of gifts that year that I never ever would or could ask for...like ever. Never ever ever. (Don't ever wish for something when you have no idea just what you happen to be wishing for (just an extra thought)) Let me paint you a picture of what precisely I mean if you will. Before that fateful day that I sat at the point of impact in a car accident, I used to dream big (at least bigger than I do now)-then...BAM! CRASH! Everything changed. Not that I am trying to count all the things in my life which people should feel sorry for me for (in fact, please don't), its just that anybody will scarcely understand the reasoning behind this goal unless I tell them the whole story (are you with me still, Sherlock?). Before that drastic day that that horrible, unfair accident occurred (gee, it sure is hard to end on a light note once I get started...), I was quite the crafty little wizard (or witch...), in fact, I knitted several members of my family little hats and/or scarves because it was fun. Now, don't misunderstand. Yes, I did in fact knit, just not with needles, it was with a Knifty Knitter II (I didn't even have the first one) that I received either because I made the most sales at a school fundraiser, or maybe I got it for Christmas, or perhaps I just begged my mother and I was successful...I don't know honestly (remember this, I don't have the best memory 😜) (Also, the weird thing about it is I think it was specifically built for people like handicapped me, but everything is harder for handicapped me.) (As one of my high school English teachers told the class often, "Life sucks, then you die.") I had a point...though knitting is a bit more difficult for one like me, that doesn't mean that I back down from a challenge ever. In my years since the car accident, I have knit (is it knit or knitted?) myself a fuzzy blue scarf and one of my nieces's a cute, pink hat (hi, Paige and family!), like I said, I don't back down from a challenge (even if it is a Rib Knit Scarf...). Not scared!

2) Send Christmas cards. -As you probably know by now, I do love sending out cards in an old-fashioned way, and not only to my brothers when they were on their mission to Madagascar or Scotland/Ireland (or maybe you happened to be one of my friends that received postage while you were on your mission to some other location). In fact, I have created some friends out of writing them notes using paper and ink before sticking them in a mailbox with the flag placed up. It's time to admit it-I love talking to people! I think that is actually the real reason why I started a blog...so here are some Christmasy thoughts to help brighten you day, if I may...

You're super nice. Want to know how I know? Guy in a big, red suit told me.

You know those commercials where the present is a brand new car with a big, red bow? Yeah, we're not doing that. (Only something arguably better in these thoughts!)

Home is where the Christmas cookies and presents are!

The 12 Days of Christmas guy really had a thing with birds, huh? Let's hope you don't know anyone crazy enough to give you 23 birds this holiday season. 🐦

Nobody loves Christmas more than me, and I love you even more than Christmas...or at least it's close. 😉

...or I will accept humming, at the very least (if you happen to be like me "gulp").

3) Look at/Make money plans for 2021. -Maybe I get too antsy about my cash and how much I have...but the way that I see it, you can either be drowning in debt or chilling in the sunny surf if you make, and keep to your money plans. My money plans of yesteryear, and all the years before that, used to be very simple. They were mostly "let somebody else buy it" or "don't ever want anything ever" but seeing as my first time living away from home was recent, while I took on-campus schooling this year, I found that those old hats don't always work with the modern-day apps like Venmo, or kindness (have you heard of it?) creating a flow of cash no matter what, and it isn't always people sending you money, sometimes it is the other way around, which is why I need to have better money plans for the year of 2021 to make the world go round. (I don't care what you have heard, but money does make the world go round, sadly.) (It's a sad fact of life, that I try not to look on too much...how am I doing?) There is a pattern that I plan to follow to help me in my money plans for the new year. First, I plan to record my expenses, not forgetting anything (even if it is the ice cream, or say, hot chocolate that I really needed after a long day at work. I pass the ice cream shop every day traveling to and from work...not my fault.). Next, I need to practice or pay more attention to how I am budgeting my cash. I learned the science of it years ago but could use the reminder.  Personally, I think we all could use the reminder in ordeals like this one, whether we happen to be one of the people like me who has an unlucky memory or not. Thirdly, I plan to cut my expenses. All in all, I plan to become better at asking myself if I really do need an item before honestly answering. I say this as I am sitting in socks that I bought yesterday that I didn't need...my socks of shame. Next, I need to set savings goals and stick better to them. I need short-term (1-3 years) and long term (4+ years), I also need to not give up with just one try (but I feel I am already wearing the duns cap with that one). Lastly, (and I personally think that this segment just might be the best of them all...either that or I really love watching cash grow-Who doesn't?) I need to learn how to make saving automatic. This has had its good and bad days. I remember after I received my very first paycheck, I went right over to the store and bought a big journal (right after paying my tithing), since then I have learned that once you spend money, there is no way of getting it back (in my defense, I was 11 years old when I bought the journal...that is still drifting, not completely filled, in the back of my closet). In other words, when you receive money SAVE SAVE SAVE! You never know how much more you are going to get.


4) Film a video for YouTube. -This is in no way discrediting the fact that I have horrible stage fright because I still do and will most likely forever. Here are my thoughts though, I think that YouTube videos create more of a positive boost for those of us out there with this stage fright issue, because if I'm being honest, it isn't the performing that frightens me (in all likelihood, I practiced it more than a million times and could perform it blind-folded...in fact, I would rather do that, because the thing that really gets me on edge is the cavernous auditorium). YouTube, there is no cavernous auditorium, at least in my case, there is only a chance to make a really cool video. No pressure...or rather, low pressure. Just don't let me think about it too much. I am actually doing this to participate in the #LightTheWorld challenge that my church is doing this Christmas, which is why I am going to post the link to the video here, Facebook, and Instagram once it is complete. No fear. I just want to remind you all what (or rather who) Christmas is truly about. (Please come again, I need an audience.) (Wow, That was the confidence boost that I needed.) Thinking about this, not to say that I have any future in the musical industry (I'm not even sure if the video that I will post will apply to music, I just know that it will be all about Christ, the One which we are truly celebrating as our Messiah and Redeemer on the 25th), artists like Lindsey Stirling and Justin Bieber first got their initial start on YouTube (though they perform vastly different types of music). You don't know unless you try. I'm ready...or at least I plan to be in a few days. Please come again by the end of the week/month. I want to reach out to as many people as I can, no matter how nervous I am. (I know.) 

5) Instacart for someone high-risk. -First, let me explain if you were like me when you first heard of the prospect of this goal (What is Instacart? Huh?). Instacart happens to be a grocery delivery service intended for people who are in a high-risk situation. After hearing that, I couldn't keep myself from downloading this particular app. There is always someone out there that has it worse than you, I don't care how bad you have it. If times are the worst for you too (as it currently is for me), service and charity are sure medications that can be applied. They can help us to find the peace within, in other words (I apologize if this is hitting any sensitive areas with any of you). I truthfully to try at helping anyone out whenever I can, but I also happen to know that I, or rather, we can always do better. (Don't.) This idea of service should be enough to present the idea to one and all, but just in case not, after you complete your shopping for someone else, you will be recompensed (I think even more than is necessary...though I am not sure) (I need to research this more). 

There is my December or my final month of the year goals. What do you think? What are your goals? How has your mind progressed in the year 2020? Are you really looking forward to any intended second chances that will come in the next year? Why? Why do you need this? (Want me to keep going?...I've got plenty. 😋)

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